Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Work-in-Progress Wednesday!

 I stumbled across this BeeKeeper's Quilt  <--clickable on Ravelry.

 My first puff in Glimpse


  1. Oh my goodness. This will be a project to watch grow. The original is amazing and I'm sure yours will be too.

    Are you doing the puffs using double-knitting?

  2. Can I make puffs and send them to you? I love the idea, but I can't imagine making enough puffs for a whole quilt and then I really can't wrap my head around what would be involved in assembling them!

  3. I'm not doing them using double knitting. So far i have 3 puff's knitted up, I'm gonna try and buy more Glimpse by Three Irish Girls ( i stupidly sold my last skien) then thought of how great it'd be to have the quilt be made in all that colorway of yarn, since it's gonna be a blanket for my Rainbow baby due in November.
